This page shows each publication name, the issue date, the status (published or not), and links to edit, delete or copy each issue.
The Add New Issue button creates a new issue. You will select from a drop-down menu of your publication templates and then set the issue date. After clicking the Create Issue button, return to the Create/Edit Newsletters page, and select Edit to start working on that issue.
The Edit link next to each issue takes you to the Issue Editor area, where you can add, edit, delete and reorder articles.
The Delete link next to each issue will delete the editable database files for that issue in progress. If this is an unpublished issue, the delete action will eliminate all data for the issue. If deleting a published issue, this action will not delete the actual published Web version of your newsletter, which you must also remove using the Manage Back Issues tool.
Copying an issue is useful to repeat the same articles with a different publication template or issue date.